How to Treat Toenail Fungus Naturally

How to Treat Toenail Fungus Naturally

Toenail fungus is usually the culprit when a toenail becomes thicker than normal, difficult to cut, yellow or brown in color and dry and crumbly. It can sometimes affect the nail bed and cause pain and inflammation. Toenail fungus is unsightly and difficult to cure but many people have luck with a variety of home remedies.

Things You'll Need:

Apple cider vinegar

Tee tree oil

Vapor rub

Antiseptic mouth wash

Soy sauce

Pine cleaner



Soak the affected toenails for 15 minutes daily in a basin with a mixture of half warm water and half natural apple cider vinegar. You can also put pure, undiluted vinegar on the nail with a medicine dropper two or three times daily.


Put a few drops of tea tree oil on your toenails and cuticles every day. Rub it in completely.


Make light grooves in the affected toenails with a nail file and rub vapor rub into the top of the toenail. Do this several times a day for several days. The grooves will help the vapor rub penetrate the nail.


Try soaking your toes in antiseptic mouth wash daily after a each shower.


Create a mixture of one part soy sauce and one part pine cleaner and put a small amount in a dropper. Put a few drops on the affected nails after every shower.


Put a few fresh garlic cloves in the toes of a pair of socks and sleep in them at night or crush some fresh garlic and put it directly on the affected nails.

Tips & Warnings

Keep your feet as clean and as dry as possible and keep your toenails trimmed.

Go shoeless as much as possible, especially if your feet tend to sweat. Even taking your shoes off for a few minutes during the day will give your toenails a chance to dry.

Wear cotton socks that will help your feet to stay drier.

Remember that it can take many months for the infected part of the toenail to grow out and a new nail to take its place. No matter what treatment you try, you must be consistent with treatment until that happens.

How to Treat TMJ With Yoga

How to Treat TMJ With Yoga

TMJ, or Temporo-Mandibular Joint, is a fairly common health problem that affects the jaw muscles. Nothing can match a doctor's treatment but some patients have found that yoga relaxation techniques can ease their discomfort. Consult your doctor and give it a try. Release that tension.


Sit comfortably in a cross-legged position with good posture. Simple meditation with close attention to the jaw muscle can help relax TMJ problems. The key to yoga is breathing. Take long, slow, deep breaths controlled with your abdominal muscles.


Focus on relaxing your jaw area. Let thoughts come and go without giving them attention. Simply breathe deeply and feel your muscles let go. Focus on relaxing your tongue and eyes. These regions help relax the jaw.


Try some yoga poses that bring blood flow to the jaw area without putting pressure on the area. Skip complex headstands and stay with something simpler. The downward facing
position where the hands and feet touch the ground while the body is bent in an inverted "V" position is a good one.


Find out if your shoulders are uneven or rotated. Many individuals report that TMJ symptoms improve as they treat shoulder problems. Stand in front of a mirror and examine your shoulders' symmetry. Chances are you already know if you carry tension there. Focus on relaxing your shoulder muscles during meditation.


Choose yoga postures that ease neck and shoulder tension. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Raise your pelvis off the ground and shift your weight onto your shoulders. Raise your arms above your head at the same time. This position is perfect for relieving shoulder tension.


Focus on your neck muscles by gently stretching your chin forward to meet your chest and then move your head from side to side. Inhale deeply and then exhale as you slowly stretch without forcing your muscles. Take several deep breaths in each stretching position. Also, gently roll the neck.


Bring your shoulders up to your neck as you breath in. Let them go as you exhale. Roll your shoulders gently while continuing to breath deeply. Repeat these steps often and as many times as necessary to relieve tension.

Tips & Warnings

Take a yoga class to get to know your body and its needs. Repetition and guidance in yoga yields more results.

Never force your muscles into a position they refuse to move into.

How to Treat Sweaty Feet With Tea

How to Treat Sweaty Feet With Tea

The soles of the feet are susceptible to sweatiness, because our feet contain over 3,000 sweat glands per square inch and we enclose our feet in shoes and socks most of the time. Excessive moisture allows odor causing bacteria to thrive, so the first step in reducing foot odor is sweat reduction. The tannic acids found in black tea kill odor causing bacteria and shrink the pores in the feet.

Things You'll Need:

Black tea bags




Pumice stone

Cotton socks

Herbal tea


Boil 1 pint of water. Add 2 black tea bags. You can use regular or decaffeinated tea. Both contain the essential tannic acids.


Steep the tea longer than you normally would if you were to drink the tea. Allow 15 minutes to release the maximum amount of tannic acids. The tea must appear black. If your solution is too weak, add another tea bag.


Dilute the tea solution with 2 quarts of cold water to create enough solution to soak your feet. Place the solution in a clean washtub.


Soak your feet in the cool tea solution for 30 minutes. Repeat daily for one week. As you achieve sweat control, you can reduce treatments to twice weekly.


Wash feet with a washcloth, soap and warm water to remove tea stains. Buff feet gently with a pumice stone to reduce calluses that retain stains.


Dry feet and apply foot powder to maintain the dryness. Leave feet uncovered overnight, and wear cotton socks during the day to allow odor causing moisture to wick away from feet.

Tips & Warnings

Add an herbal tea bag to your soaking solution to enhance your foot soak with aromatherapy. Mint and chamomile tea are desirable choices.

How to Treat Sunburn With Herbal Remedies

How to Treat Sunburn With Herbal Remedies

Ease the pain and swelling associated with sunburn and accelerate the healing process with herbal remedies, which can be mixed and applied at home. These all natural herbal treatments are safe to use and contain no chemicals. Read on to learn how to treat sunburn with herbal remedies.

Things You'll Need:

Calendula oil

Aloe vera

St. John's Wort oil

Sea Buckthorn oil

Black tea bags


Mix 20 drops of calendula oil with four oz. of water and apply to the skin using a washcloth or cotton balls. You can also get calendula in the form of gels and soothing salves. Calendula is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory; it will help soften the skin and ease the pain.


Soothe burned areas with aloe gel as often as needed. You can either purchase bottled aloe gel or simply break apart the leaves of an aloe plant and apply it directly to the skin. Be careful to remove the spiny edges of the leaf before applying to avoid accidentally poking tender skin.


Apply St. John's Wort oil, mixed with a couple tablespoons of olive or almond oil, directly to sunburned parts of the skin. St. John's Wort is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antibacterial.


Dilute a few drops of Sea Buckthorn oil with olive oil or almond oil and rub into the skin. Repeat two, eight and 24 hours later. Sea Buckthorn oil extract helps to heal sunburns and reduce the damaging effect they have on the skin.


Place two to three bags of black tea into a bathtub of lukewarm water and soak in it. The tannic acid in tea helps relieve pain. Tea bags can also be wet in hot water, allowed to cool and placed directly onto burned areas. Green or chamomile tea can also be used, and peppermint oil or tea can be added to create a cooling feeling on the skin.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid sun exposure while using St. John's Wort and Sea Buckthorn as they can increase photosensitivity.

How to Treat Sinusitis With Herbal Remedies

How to Treat Sinusitis With Herbal Remedies

Sinusitis is an inflammation and infection of the air-filled bony cavities surrounding the nasal passages. The symptoms of sinusitis include nasal congestion, severe pain across the nose and cheeks and behind the eyes as well as headache. These symptoms and the infection itself can be treated effectively at home with herbal remedies. Read on to learn how to treat sinusitis with herbal remedies.

Things You'll Need:

Elder tincture

Eyebright tincture


Goldenseal tincture

Eucalyptus oil






Take elder flower tincture to help clear mucus from the sinuses.


Use eyebright tincture to lessen histamine response to the infection and reduce mucus. Eyebright also reduces swelling in the sinuses.


Take echinacea tincture or capsules to strengthen the immune system and help your body fight off the infection.


Take goldenseal tincture under the tongue as directed on the bottle. Goldenseal is a renowned broad-spectrum herbal antibiotic that is considered the most effective herbal treatment for acute bacterial infection.


Mix a few drops of eucalyptus oil with a tbsp. of vegetable oil and massage into your temples.


Make a fresh vegetable soup and add lots of chopped fresh garlic, ginger, and oregano along with a spoonful of horseradish. All of these additions will help open the sinuses. Garlic and oregano both have potent antibiotic and antiseptic compounds.

How to Reuse Old Bras

How to Reuse Old Bras

What do you do when you get a pile of bras you can't wear anymore? Maybe they don't fit or have become tattered, or simply aren't your style. You can reuse and recycle bras rather than throwing them away. There are a host of options for reusing this undergarment--for yourself and for others.


Donate. Your used bras and other lingerie can help homeless women and others living in less than desirable situations. As long as they are in good condition with straps and clasps in good working order, you can give them to charities. A popular UK-based organization that welcomes used bras is called Bra Appeal. It can be accessed online at


Create a bra purse. Famous for promoting the awareness of breast cancer, these bags can make a fashion and social cause statement at the same time. Instructions for assembling a bra purse can be found through many sources online.


Make a quilt. Take samplings of a variety of fabrics found on bras and lingerie. Collect them over time to create a special, possibly frilly and lacy, personalized quilt.


Patch things up. The fabric found on bras can be used to patch up clothing, such as jeans that have a hole in the knee.


Frame it. Dress up your bathroom decor by framing a pair of your favorite lingerie. Fashion is art--so place yours on display for a offbeat trendy piece of art you might find in a boutique.


Use the old bra's fabric to fashion a new iPod pocket to sew into a


Sew the bra into a camisole for added support.


Make a scented bra pouch. Easy to do, sew two bra cups together most of the way, placing sachets, potpourri or even scented clothes dryer sheets into the center, making a scented pouch you can through in a drawer or gym bag to keep things smelling fresh.

How to Return Clothes You've Worn to an Event

How to Return Clothes You've Worn to an Event

Like rummaging through your best friend's closet to borrow something fabulous to wear to an event, sometimes the best closet to browse through and "borrow" is that of your favorite store's clothing racks. Here are tips on how to buy, borrow and return clothes and still look drop dead gorgeous with a little help from the stores.


If you have a special event coming up, what's better than to have a few options to choose from from a store's sales floor.


You can buy a few different options and put them all on a credit card for the purchase protection plan.


Make sure that all the tags on the garment stay in place even while you slip the piece on for size. Simply tuck or tape the tags on the piece to the back of the garment itself.


As you wear the garment, try to keep the piece from getting spilled on. Remember, you need to still be able to return the item without any stains on it.


After you wear the item, just hang it up for a day to air it out for odors and have all the creases straighten out.


Once this is done, you can take it back to the store with the sales receipt for a full refund to your credit card or cash back, depending on your method of payment.


This is a little trick fashion stylists utilize all the time for photo shoots. Just keep the store's sales tags intact on the item and you shouldn't have any problems returning it.

How to Restring Pearls

How to Restring Pearls

How frequently you wear your pearls will determine how often you have to restring them. Dirt and grease get in between the pearl beads and onto the thread. This can eventually weaken and break the thread if you don't restring the pearls often enough.

Things You'll Need:

Beading Needle





Wash your hands before you begin. You do not want to discolor the string as you put the pearls back on. It is easier to handle the pearls with clean hands.


Gather all the necessary equipment together before beginning to restring the pearls. You can lose pearls and it is easier to knot the string with all items ready and available beforehand.


Cut a 10-inch length of string. Separate the silk into four strands. One strand is put through the needle and tied into a knot to make a loop. Then use another piece of silk string to make the actual string for the necklace. Double it over and put the loop from this through the 10-inch loop piece. This longer silk string piece is actually the string the pearls are attached to.


Cut off one of the clasp ends and loop the thread around it. Then thread it through the clasp hole and back through the hole in the thread.


Remove the pearls from the old string. If they are tied together you will need to cut them off as you move them to the new necklace. If they are not tied together, be very careful not to let them come off too fast or you might lose some. Keep them in the same order on the new string as the old.


Place all the pearls onto the new string.


Remove the needle from the string and double knot the end so the pearls do not come off.


Tie a knot to the pearl closest to the clasp. Repeat knot tying with the rest of the pearls on the entire necklace. This will put a knot in between each pearl so they don't rub together.


Thread the other end with a clasp and double knot it. Use the lighter on the loose ends by gently holding the lighter flame to each end. Let it burn the loose string end very, very briefly. This will melt the string and the necklace will not come undone.

Tips & Warnings

If you wear pearls weekly, you will have to restring them about once a year or so. If you wear them monthly, it will be every three to four years.

The string must be at least three times as long as your necklace needs to be because of all the knots you will tie on the string.

Do not hold the lighter flame too long on the loose string ends or you will undo the clasps and have to start over.

How to Restore Shine to Your Jewelry

How to Restore Shine to Your Jewelry

Few things sparkle like spanking-new gold, silver, platinum, and precious or semiprecious stones. After even a few days' wear, though, they can dull from lotions, body oil and everyday dust and dirt. Regular cleaning can keep your baubles looking fresh-from-the-jeweler brilliant all the time.

Things You'll Need:

Dishwashing Liquid

Dishwashing Liquid

Mild Soap


Cotton Swab

Fizzing Tablets

Mild Soap

Rubbing Alcohol Or Vodka

Soft-bristle Toothbrush




Glass For Soaking

Chamois or other soft, lint-free cloth



With an old soft-bristle toothbrush, rub the piece with toothpaste. Let it sit for 30 minutes.


Wash in a bowl of sudsy warm water with a few squirts of dishwashing liquid. Rinse.


Polish dry with chamois or other smooth cloth that's free of lint.

Gold, platinum and diamonds


Remove greasy film by rubbing with or soaking in rubbing alcohol or vodka.


Drop two fizzing tablets (such as Alka-Seltzer or denture cleaner) into a glass of water. Immerse the jewelry for 2 minutes, then remove it. Or soak for several minutes in a bowl of sudsy warm water with a few squirts of dishwashing liquid.


Scrub gently with a soft-bristle toothbrush.


Rinse thoroughly.


Polish dry with a smooth, lint-free cloth or chamois.

Pearls and other soft or porous gems such as emeralds, opals and tanzanite


Remove traces of cosmetics and dirt with a tissue.


Dip in a sudsy bowl of mild soap (such as Dove) and warm water. Quickly remove.


Gently remove buildup with a soft-bristle toothbrush or cotton swab. Rinse.


Polish dry with chamois or other soft, lint-free cloth.

Tips & Warnings

Keep your jewelry in a fabric-lined case, or wrap each piece individually in soft tissue paper.

Have a jeweler check yearly for loose prongs, worn mountings and general wear and tear.

Keep jewelry away from chlorine and harsh chemicals, which can erode the finish and polish of gems.

Never use boiling water to clean jewelry.

How to Restore a Leather Purse

How to Restore a Leather Purse

Leather purses and handbags can be beautiful pieces of wearable art. However, they need to be properly cared to retain their appearance. Fortunately, a leather purse in poor repair can usually be restored.

Things You'll Need:

Saddle soap or leather cleaner

Mink oil or leather conditioner


Damp white cloths

Metal cleaner or polish


Purchase your products. You can get saddle soap and mink oil from pet supply stores, farm and feed stores, or equestrian dealers. If you have a delicate or expensive purse, consider purchasing the special products available from Lovin' My Bags. These were specially formulated for the special circumstances involved with handbags and purses.


Remove any items from the pockets and spaces. Turn the purse upside down and gently shake it. Brush the lining out to knock loose any additional debris. If the purse is sturdy enough, you can even vacuum it with a low-suction vacuum cleaner.


Use a soft, barely damp white cloth and wipe down the entire purse to remove any surface debris.


Test a small, inconspicuous area for colorfastness with the soap or cleanser. Let it sit for a while and examine it to make sure it's not going to leave a mark. If it does leave a mark, use another cleanser.


Clean the leather by massaging the saddle soap or handbag leather cleaner into the grain of the leather. Use a second cloth to blot out stains. You can use a soft toothbrush to pull up dirt or debris ingrained into the leather.


Moisturize the leather with mink oil or a special handbag leather moisturizer/conditioner. You can use a cloth or your own hands, moving in a gentle circular motion. Take care to reach every portion of the purse, including the seams and crevices. Wipe off the oily residue with a clean cloth. Buff the leather well.


Apply any other products to the purse, including products for color restoration, shine or odor removal. Check out Lovin' My Bags for options.


Clean, repair, and shine the purse's hardware. You may need to re-plate the hardware if it is bad. Use a type of cleaner specific to the metal.


If the purse is in bad shape, consider taking it to a professional. Shoe cobblers will usually do purse and bag restoration. You also can take it to small specialty mom-and-pop shops or online vendors like Lovin' My Bags or Artbag (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Always blot stains - never rub.

If you use special cleaners and conditions, make sure they are the kind made for handbags and purses, not just general or all-purpose cleaners that you might use on other leather products.

Don't start this project unless you have time to finish it. This project will take several hours to do properly.

How to Replicate a Retro 60's Beatnik Look

How to Replicate a Retro 60's Beatnik Look

Beatniks were all about making a statement about politics and the world, but their style has lasted for decades. You can do a retro 60's beatnik look with a few pointers and creativity.


Wear a form fitting black turtleneck. Beatniks often read Nietzsche and appreciated his nihilistic views. Somber black clothing helped them express this ideal.


Put on black skinny jeans or pants. They should be a solid black color to go along with the retro 60's beatnik look.


Keep the


dark and minimal. A 60's beatnik was all about simplicity. Retro jewelry could include some dark simple beads or tiny stud earrings.


Don a beret to top off your ensemble. It should also be black, and can be worn cocked to one side and a bit tilted. If hats aren't your thing, you can do a simple pony tail or the Beatles cut from the early years. Goatees were popular with beatnik men.


Cover your feet in comfortable shoes with a rounded toe. For women these can be mary janes with black stockings. Men can wear simple classic black lace up shoes.


Crop your hair for the most effective retro 60's beatnik look. Women wore their hair in shags and bobs, and it was always straight. If you have curly hair, straighten it with a straightener and add serum for a sleek shine.

How to Replace a Leather Watchband

How to Replace a Leather Watchband

If you have ever had a favorite watch that you have had for a long time and all of a sudden the watchband breaks, you can replace it yourself without much trouble. Perhaps you have a watch that you want to continue to wear but need to change the look and want a leather band instead of a metal band. Read on to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Jeweler's flat blade screwdriver

Magnifying glass


Take the watch with the broken watchband and place it on the table. With a ruler, measure the width of the broken band at the point where it is attached to the watch. Now, measure the total length of the watchband when it is in one piece and fits around your wrist. There will be a crease on the band where it is normally buckled.


Go to the local store and select a band that you like. You should make sure that the width of the band at the point of attachment to the watch is the same as the old band. Also make sure that the new band will be long enough and not too long to fit your wrist. Purchase the band and return home to change the band.


Clear a spot to work and make sure that there is a small towel covering the table top so that you can see anything that may drop or pop out during the process of changing the band.


Use a magnifying glass to look at the point where one side of the band is attached to the watch. You will see a small pin connecting the band to the watch on either side of the band. Carefully use the jeweler's screwdriver to depress the spring loaded pin from the watch to the band and release it from the watch. When the tension on the spring pin is released it may pop out of the band and you will want to take care not to lose it. Repeat this process with the other half of the band.


Take the new band and slip the spring pins into the small holes on the end of the band where it will attach to the watch. Working with one end at a time, slip one side into the pin hole in the watch body.


Use the jeweler's screwdriver to depress the other side of the spring pin and guide it into the pin hole in the other side of the watch body. Repeat this process with the other half of the watchband and other spring pin. You now have a new band for your broken one.

Tips & Warnings

Most stores that sell replacement bands for watches will be happy to replace the band for you while you wait.