How to get rid of poison oak rash

How to get rid of poison oak rash

For some people, poison oak cremes work, other people get the shot. But not me, nothing works and it spreads like wildfire!

Things You'll Need:

A bar of Lava Soap

Cold Shower


As soon as I notice I am getting poison oak, I go nuts. So I get in a cold shower (aah!) and lather up with that horrible Lava Soap that feels like sandpaper.


The real trick is to soap all your affected areas and then stand in the shower shivering and letting the Lava soap dry on your skin. That feels yucky too but at least its not as insanely itchy as poison oak!


After about 5 minutes and all the soap is dry, rinse all the soap off with cold water. Do not use a towel, its important to air dry so you dont spread the remaining oils.

Tips & Warnings

Be aware of how you got the poison oak so you dont reinfect yourself. My kids play in it all the time and never get the rash. Then they come hug and kiss on Mommy and guess who is covered head to toe? ME! Went hiking and got it direct from the bushes. Once I got it from my

Dont take hot showers or baths, this will spread the oils.

I dont even shave my legs if I have the rash, more spreading.

Change your sheets and blankies, cuz it gets there just from sleeping.

How to Get Rid of Nervousness at the Drop of a Hat!

How to Get Rid of Nervousness at the Drop of a Hat!

Ok,I am sure you have experienced this at some stage in your life.So there you are, you are about to do something and feeling nervous. You know that feeling of butterflies in your tummy and sweaty palms? Maybe your about to make a speech, a presentation to an audience, ask the boss for a raise or even do an exam.Or maybe even go on a
!You've probably even said to yourself, " I wish I didn't feel like this!" And try as you may, you just cannot stop it! Frustrating isn't it feeling that way?

So,how do you actually get a grip on yourself? Don't you wish you could change that at a drop of a hat? You can! Would you like to know how?

Things You'll Need:

Your brain

Your imagination


Think of a time, in the past, when you felt nervous about something. Something that was before you maybe did something you were nervous about. When you do, do you have a picture? Now the answer is yes right? Ok.


Now,I know you can so just go ahead and see yourself in the picture, looking through your own eyes and see what you saw, hear what you heard and feel what you felt. Got it? Good.


Now, go ahead and just step out of the picture, so you are looking at yourself in the picture but you are NOT in the picture. And ask yourself: Where are the emotions? You will now notice they are gone!

And this is the technique for empowering yourself when you are in a minor negative state you wish you weren't. Its easy and very effective. So use it with great effect!!

If you wish to learn more techniques for empowering you through NLP, consider taking an NLP Training with us at as we would love to assist you!

Tips & Warnings

Use ONLY for minor negative states. NOT for major ones involving trauma. PLEASE BE AWARE OF THIS! It's fab for states like nervous but NOT for emotions that go with major trauma. There are other techniques developed specifically for that like Time Line Therapyв„ў.

Please seek professional advice if you are suffering major negative emotions such as depression.

How to Get Rid of Hickies in 5 Minutes

How to Get Rid of Hickies in 5 Minutes

Hickies can be fun to give, but aren't nearly as fun to receive. Hickies are embarrassing red blotches that occur as a result of a friend or
partner sucking on your neck or other part of your body. The harder the person sucks on your skin, the redder the hickey will be the next day. Hickies are harmless, until the next morning when your boss, co-workers or parents want to know what you were doing the night before. Follow these steps to find out how to get rid of hickies in under five minutes.

Things You'll Need:

Ice cube


Eye redness removal drops



Use a spoon and an ice cube to cool the hickey. Take the ice cube and rest it in the spoon. Keep firm hold of the ice cube so it doesn't fall out of the spoon.


Holding the back of the spoon to the hickey, twist the spoon counterclockwise for ten seconds. Then, twist the spoon clockwise for ten seconds. The round shape of the spoon should fit exactly to the hickey and the cold pressure should alleviate the some of the redness.


Use eye drops to literally "get the red out." The eye drops send red blood vessels and capillaries away from the surface of the eye, causing less eye irritation and swelling. The good news is it also works on your skin. Apply several drops on the hickey and allow it to sit for one minute, then rinse it off with cool water.


At this point, the hickey should be almost invisible. If you can still see it easily, repeat Steps 1 through 3 again until the hickey is almost gone.


Apply concealer for a finishing touch. Gently pat concealer over your hickey to blend the remaining red color into the rest of your skin. Continue to apply concealer throughout the day, as it may rub off with time.

Tips & Warnings

There is no scientific evidence or medical studies to prove these methods will work.

Do not apply eye drops to cuts or scrapes.

Using ice and cold metal on the skin for too long a period of time will cause the skin to be more red and can cause damage.

How to Get Rid of Hiccups

How to Get Rid of Hiccups

Okay, so you find yourself with a stubborn case of the hiccups! What could be worse? I have tried several methods but the only one that has ever worked for me and my family is this one.

Things You'll Need:

Spoonful of sugar


Get a case of the hiccups.


Get a spoonful of sugar.


Put the sugar in your mouth.


Swallow! No counting, no holding your breath, no water. Okay, you may want to drink some water after swallowing the sugar but it is not required!

Tips & Warnings

Kids will fake hiccups to get the sugar.

How to get rid of heartburn, acid reflux

How to get rid of heartburn, acid reflux

This article will explain how to temporarily relieve heartburn or acid reflux.

Things You'll Need:

two drinking cups

cold water

baking soda



I have used this remedy several times with great results. First, you will need to fill one of the cups two inches high with cold water.


Fill the other cup nearly full with cold water.


In the cup with the least amount of water, insert two tablespoons of baking soda. Stir well.


Consume the baking soda solution swiftly (the taste is extremely salty and disgusting).


This is where the other cup of water comes in. Immediately after consuming the first glass of baking soda solution, drink from the second glass of water. This will help to get rid of the baking soda taste.


Within a matter of a couple to several minutes, you should begin to belch. This will indicate that the baking soda is working to balance out the acidity. You will no longer have heartburn.

Tips & Warnings

You can adjust the amount of solution you consume to fit your personal needs. If you find that your heartburn has returned or has not completely subsided, you may want to add more baking soda.

If you have repeated heartburn more than once a week it may be a bacteria in your stomach called H Pylori. Speak to your health care provider about being tested. If you do have the bacteria, you only have to take one pill once and your heartburn will be no more.

How to Get Rid of Head Lice Naturally

How to Get Rid of Head Lice Naturally

Have you ever been faced with head lice? Do you hate to have to go out and buy the expensive shampoo? I know that I did when I faced it with a newborn in the house. Here are some tips that you can use to get rid of them naturally without having to go buy that expensive shampoo.

Things You'll Need:

Items needed will depend on which one you choose.

Straight Apple Cider Vinegar

OIL of Garlic

Black Walnut Tincture or Tea

Lavender Essential Oil

Anise Oil

Tea Tree Oil

Dr Bonner's Peppermint Pure Castille Soap

Olive Oil





Plastic Wrap


Apple Cider Vinegar, Oil of Garlic, Black Walnut Tincture or Tea: For quick relief, bathe your head/hair with any one of these.

Henna: Use henna on hair. (Will make hair reddish color.)


Essential Oil, Anise Oil, Tea Tree Oil(2-3 drops essential oil in 10 ml carrier oil): Massage into scalp

Dr Bonner's Peppermint Pure Castille Soap: Was hair with soap, leave on for a few minutes and wash out.


Olive Oil, Mayonnaise, Vaseline: Cover hair and scalp, wrap in plastic wrap & leave on for about 3 hrs or overnight. Wash hair. You may need to wash hair a few times to get olive oil or vaseline out but these will smother the lice.

Parsley: Repels lice.

Tips & Warnings

My father has used the mayonnaise treatment and it worked for him. Unfortunatly I didn't have these tips when I had to deal with the problem.

The Lavender, Anise, or Tea Tree Essential Oils may cause skin irritation on some people so test on a small area first.

How to Get Rid Of Head Lice Naturally!!

How to Get Rid Of Head Lice Naturally!!

Tired of wasting time and money to get rid of head lice? I have a method to get rid of head lice naturally.

Things You'll Need:

Big bottle of Avon Skin So Soft

Nit Comb



Hair Dryer

Dawn Dish Soap



I start by making sure I have something to occupy my little one's time while I work on the hair. Good things include books to read small toys that fit in their hands. Or a coloring book and crayons (with a tray to hold it).


Coat the entire hair with the Skin So Soft.


To keep from dripping I put a plastic shower cap on my daughter.(not recommended for young children)


Leave the Skin So Soft on for as long as the child can stand. I usually like to leave it on for at least 1 hour but 15-20 minutes should be good.


Now take your conditioner, wrap a towel around the child's shoulders to save the clothing from the oil. (this is where the toy comes in)


Use the nit comb to go thru the hair once before washing. (use the conditioner to ease the comb thru the hair)


After you have combed the hair once wash with a steady stream of water using your Dawn Dish Soap (or any other dish soap)


Wash hair with normal shampoo and conditioner. Be sure to use extra conditioner (this helps so that the roots are too slippery to attach to)


Now comb thru the hair again with the nit comb.


Blow dry the hair.


Comb thru once more with the nit comb.
To ensure that my child does not get it back I comb through her hair every morning with a fine tooth comb. (nit comb can be used) I also use the blow dryer quite frequently to help prevent them.

Now that you know how to get rid of the head lice. Good luck. It does take patience.

Tips & Warnings

Take breaks if you both get frustrated

How to Get Rid of Gas With Herbs

How to Get Rid of Gas With Herbs

Flatulence, or gas, can cause not only pain but also embarrassment when it happens in public. Certain foods, like undercooked beans, can cause this condition, as can overeating and some incorrect food combinations. If you are the type of person who just has to sample every dish offered at a potluck dinner or a buffet, gas can result from the unusual mix of foods. With a little bit of knowledge about how your body normally reacts to some foods and food combinations, you can learn to prevent gas from happening. Herbs called carminatives can give a great deal of relief to those suffering from gas. It’s easy to make herbal tea, and you will appreciate the benefits even more than the good taste and healthful ingredients a tea can provide your body.

Things You'll Need:

Epazote herb

Anise seeds

Fennel leaves, seeds or any other parts

Ginger root

Spearmint leaves

Peppermint oil


Be careful what you eat. Beans often cause gas in many people, so if you know you will be eating beans, prepare an herbal tea that reduces gas as described in Step 3.


Know if you cook your own dried beans, the addition of a Mexican herb called epazote is said to “de-gas” this legume when you eat it. Epazote is easy to grow in most climates, or you can purchase it dry at your natural foods store or online.


Use a combination of four carminative, or gas-busting, herbs in a pleasant-tasting tea to provide good relief from gas. Combine one teaspoonful of the following in one quart of water: anise seeds, fennel leaves, seeds or any other plant parts, ginger root and spearmint leaves. Boil your water and then add the first three herbs and simmer for five minutes in a covered pot. Turn off the heat and add the spearmint. Steep for 15 minutes and then enjoy one or more cups of tea until you feel relief.


Realize peppermint oil helps many people when they experience gas. Simply mix two or three drops of peppermint oil to one cup of hot water and drink this blend after a meal that might cause gas.

Tips & Warnings

If you avoid combining protein--any type of meat--with fruit at the same meal, you can help to prevent gas. Any type of sugar eaten at the same meal as meat can sometimes cause gas.

Skip cold drinks, coffee and tea with your meals if they seem to cause gas.

Other herbs that can help gas and other stomach problems include fennel, fenugreek, flax seeds and

Always consult a qualified health care practitioner before using any herb, especially if you are pregnant or nursing or if you are taking any prescribed medications.