How to get rid of poison oak rash

How to get rid of poison oak rash

For some people, poison oak cremes work, other people get the shot. But not me, nothing works and it spreads like wildfire!

Things You'll Need:

A bar of Lava Soap

Cold Shower


As soon as I notice I am getting poison oak, I go nuts. So I get in a cold shower (aah!) and lather up with that horrible Lava Soap that feels like sandpaper.


The real trick is to soap all your affected areas and then stand in the shower shivering and letting the Lava soap dry on your skin. That feels yucky too but at least its not as insanely itchy as poison oak!


After about 5 minutes and all the soap is dry, rinse all the soap off with cold water. Do not use a towel, its important to air dry so you dont spread the remaining oils.

Tips & Warnings

Be aware of how you got the poison oak so you dont reinfect yourself. My kids play in it all the time and never get the rash. Then they come hug and kiss on Mommy and guess who is covered head to toe? ME! Went hiking and got it direct from the bushes. Once I got it from my

Dont take hot showers or baths, this will spread the oils.

I dont even shave my legs if I have the rash, more spreading.

Change your sheets and blankies, cuz it gets there just from sleeping.