How to get rid of heartburn, acid reflux

How to get rid of heartburn, acid reflux

This article will explain how to temporarily relieve heartburn or acid reflux.

Things You'll Need:

two drinking cups

cold water

baking soda



I have used this remedy several times with great results. First, you will need to fill one of the cups two inches high with cold water.


Fill the other cup nearly full with cold water.


In the cup with the least amount of water, insert two tablespoons of baking soda. Stir well.


Consume the baking soda solution swiftly (the taste is extremely salty and disgusting).


This is where the other cup of water comes in. Immediately after consuming the first glass of baking soda solution, drink from the second glass of water. This will help to get rid of the baking soda taste.


Within a matter of a couple to several minutes, you should begin to belch. This will indicate that the baking soda is working to balance out the acidity. You will no longer have heartburn.

Tips & Warnings

You can adjust the amount of solution you consume to fit your personal needs. If you find that your heartburn has returned or has not completely subsided, you may want to add more baking soda.

If you have repeated heartburn more than once a week it may be a bacteria in your stomach called H Pylori. Speak to your health care provider about being tested. If you do have the bacteria, you only have to take one pill once and your heartburn will be no more.